Thursday, May 26, 2016

Another year of Garden Club has come to an end

This week we held our final two Garden Club meetings for the school year. 

Monday was cool and rainy but we did get our basil planted in the 2nd grade gardens. We also harvested lots of radishes. 

We rinsed them and sent each child home with one to try. And we talked about parts of a plant. What part of the radish plant do we eat?

The root!

We had a fun snack of dirt cups. The moms prepared pudding and the kids got to add their Oreos and gummy worms (or bears). 

On Thursday the weather was sunny and warm. We planted the last of the basil and the bell peppers in the 4th grade gardens. We also weeded a bit and popped the flower heads off of the onions and garlic. We were given some bean seeds from the Barkers and planted them in with the sunflowers. The seeds have been grown in Mrs. Barker's family for many generations. 

Our pepper bed. 

Our basil plants. 

You can't see them but we planted the beans in this spot. 

We also harvested radishes. One per student. The kids washed them off and some even tried them before school started. But most brought theirs home. 

We only had time for a quick cookie before the kids rushed off to class. 

Thank you to the volunteers who provided snacks and helped with the gardens this entire school year. 

Be on the look-out for a sign up genius to help out with the gardens over the summer. Mrs. Friedel is working on that and will send it out soon. 

I am looking forward to what will grow in our gardens over the summer. Please bring your families out to see them all if you get a chance this summer. We have many great things growing and it's because of all of the work your children have done this school year. 

1 comment:

  1. What a great year! Thank you Sra. Melara for all of the hard work you put into our gardens! The kids really learn so much extra by seeing and doing. I can't wait to visit over the summer. The gardens are always amazing!


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