What we started last year had gone cold. There's nothing wrong with that but we want to be able to use the compost by next spring.
So we added some great materials.
Coffee grounds...an unbelievable amount of coffee grounds.
Chicken and horse manure.
Leaves, grass clippings, egg shells, food scraps, dryer lint and wood ashes.
We had a wonderful parent volunteer who mixed it all up for us and now we have a great pile going.
The kids harvested lots of herbs for drying before our next meeting in December.
The herbs are drying in our donated dehydrator. My classroom smells heavenly. We have lots to do in December when we have to decide what to do with all of these dried herbs.
Our snacks this month were delicious! Fruit salad. I wanted the kids to see that we could use all of the scraps from making the fruit salad in our compost. Nothing goes to waste. Even rotten bananas. The ones we bought for Thursday's meeting were rotten through, even though they looked good on the outside. Fortunately we can at least use them in some way.
Please remember we can always add to our compost pile. Please feel free to send in any compostables. Any time!